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There are sometimes unexpected events that occur in our lives where we need to go to our credit in order to get by. There are some of us who have even used it to the point of having to declare bankruptcy. 

Finances 123 Inc. have worked with countless individuals who have found themselves in these situations and we've been able to successfully lift them back up. Now we're looking to help and it begins by building up your credit rating again.

In the unfortunate event of bankruptcy or simply a deathly low credit rating, the first step to re-building your credit is to assess the damage. Obtain a copy of your credit report via Equifax Canada Inc. or TransUnion Canada. This will give you the full scope of what is owed on your credit and, in turn, will allow us to assess how to begin rebuilding your credit history. Here at Finances 123 Inc, we have the ability to access your credit bureau for a fee.

Start small. Rebuilding your credit history isn't about simply paying off your bills - it is more about ensuring that at least your minimum payments are made and showing a history of being able to make payments on time.

Secondly, set aside some money for unforeseen expenses. Having access to cash when things happen, instead of borrowing back from your rotating credit, will help your credit score; also in keeping the process of lowering your amount of your rotating credit, as we want to keep the balance below 75% of your available credit.

Thirdly, we recommend setting up secured credit cards in your name if your credit bureau is below average. This will able you to start re-building a good rating in maintaining their payment schedule. You will need to provide security for these cards. If this all sounds overwhelming to you, don't worry, we have access and can assist you in getting this kind of credit.

Rebuilding your credit takes time and sacrifice, but it is never impossible and it can never (not) be done. We have the experiences and have developed specific techniques that have helped numerous clients in your situation.

It is important for you to remember that no one is ever permanently stuck with a bad credit rating. If you feel as if you are, don't hesitate for a moment to reach out to Finances 123 Inc. We would be happy to speak with you further about the options available to you. Together we can work towards a better future for you and your family.